
Friday 18 July 2014

Celebrating Bradley

My beautiful son Bradley gave me his school report this morning it is his last year of school and he goes up to post 16 in September. I have cried my eyes out this morning reading his report. When my son was diagnosed as being on the high end of the autistic spectrum and having severe learning disabilities I had to grieve for the son I lost the son I had so many hopes and dreams for. We were told he may never walk, talk, or come out of nappies he has defied all the odds and he is one of the fittest most talkative young men you will ever meet. He is polite to everyone and so far he has worked 3 different jobs for work experience and every one of them did not want to let him go and said he would be welcome back any time these include a cafĂ©, a craft shop, and a nursery with small children. He has overcome bullying from both adults and children alike. He has surpassed all expectations of him from both professionals, family, and friends. I have always told Bradley I don't care what you do in life all I ask is that you try your best in everything you do and he has. He has achieved so much in his life it has been a very hard long journey for him to get to where he is today but through grit and determination we are here at the pay off point. There have been times I have wanted to give up but with the support of my partner, family, and friends have kept going. I have walked through fire to get my son the opportunities and chances other children are just given and it has finally paid off. I am soooooo proud and pleased to tell you all that Bradley has passed the following exams 

Btec certificate in vocational studies
Btec home cooking skills award
Entry level certificate in p.e
ASA National swim award (at the highest level that can be achieved in school)

We are still waiting to hear about the following exams but it is projected he will pass all of them

GCSE English
GCSE Mathematics
GCSE Science
GCSE Performing arts
Cambridge national certificate in ICT
Entry level certificate in design technology
Entry level certificate in humanities

Everyone of his teachers has been astounded by the progress and results Bradley has achieved over the last year and can not praise him enough. To my family and friends who have supported us over the last 16 years thank you for sticking by us through not only the good times but also the bad. To my most amazing son Bradley thank you for teaching me the art of patience, true love, and empathy. I am so very proud of you my darling you have completely blown me away with your pure grit and determination this year you truly are an inspiration to others showing that no matter what life throws at you you can overcome adversity to get to where you want to be. You are my inspiration son and I love you more than life itself xxx

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx


  1. Congratulations Bradley! Well done! So happy for you and your family. Hugs!

  2. That is wonderful to hear!

    Bradley - you are an amazing young man and your mum is rightly very proud of you. All the very best for your future whatever you decide to do and wherever it leads you :-)

    Claire - you should be very proud of yourself. This is a real reflection on how well you have brought Bradley up :-)

    I am very very pleased for both of you.

    Toni xx

  3. Thank you ladies I am soooooo proud of him :) xxx

  4. Well done Bradley - that's some achievement!! So what's next.........the world is your oyster - aim high and for the stars Bradley you can do it xxx
