
Wednesday, 28 January 2015

To write or not to write

Hello readers why is it my most frugal days are the ones I have the least to blog about ? lol. I have not spent a single penny today. I have not even left the house. I have been busy with school and housework today as well as a little soul searching.

Anonymous left me a comment asking if I had ever thought about writing a book about my experiences with frugality and autism. A friend of mine has said the same thing to me over the years. You know what it's like though when a friend says it to you you think they are just being nice you don't take it to seriously. When someone you have never met says it to you you sit up and take notice and begin wondering if in fact your friend had been right all these years. So today I have been doing a lot of thinking. Do I have what it takes to write a book ? Do I have the patience to write a book ? Do I have the time to dedicate to writing a book ? So many thoughts have been swimming around in my head today lol. I have done some research and have come to the conclusion that writing an ebook would not be beyond my abilities. I may in fact get a lot of pleasure from writing a book a cathartic release if you will. After all I get great joy from writing this blog and sharing both our lives and my knowledge on frugality with you all. So the decision has been made I am going to write an ebook on frugality and if that all goes well I will look at writing a second book about my experiences with autism. Wish me luck readers I may well need it lol.

Brad has handed his application in for the little Saturday job I spoke about in yesterday's post and we are now just waiting to see if he gets called in for an interview. Please continue to send positive thoughts on this one as it all helps.

Dinner tonight was mummys yummy scrummy carbonara

Half a bag of value pasta 15p
Half a pack of value cooking bacon 41p
A jar of asda carbonara sauce 75p
1/4 of a bag of value grated cheese 55p

Total £1.86 served 4 so 47p per portion

Finally my random picture for the day.....

Is it bath time yet mum lol

So my lovely readers what are your thoughts on me writing a book ? Have you ever written a book yourself and have some words of wisdom to share with me ?

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx


  1. Go for it Claire - you can do it! (and I for one will definitely read it) xx
