
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Beauty treatments that don't break the bank

Hello readers what do you make of do it at home beauty treatments ?

I will let you all into a little secret I trained as a hairdresser and beauty therapist many moons ago before I had the munchkins. I do all my beauty treatments myself at a fraction of the cost you would pay in a beauty salon. I regularly give myself a manicure, pedicure, defuzz, facial, and eyebrow shape for pennies instead of pounds. Here's how I do it....

Cut and shape your nails
Soak hands in warm soapy water for ten minutes
Push back dead cuticles using an orange stick and cut away using a pair of cuticle scissors
Wipe each nail using a cotton ball and a little nail varnish remover (this gets rid of any soap residue and leaves a clean nail bed ready to be painted.
Paint nails with desired colour (you can get some lovely colours in Poundland and a bottle will last you ages)
Dry nails quickly by going over them with the hairdryer
Once nails are completely dry give them a good moisturizing using a deep moisturizing lotion such as coco butter (again this can be picked up in poundland)

Nail clippers can be picked for £1 in poundland
Ten nail files for £1 in poundland
Ten orange sticks £1 in poundland
Cuticle scissors £2 in superdrug
Cotton balls £1 in poundland
Nail varnish remover £1 in poundland
Nail polish £1 in poundland
Coco butter £1 in poundland

Once you have bought the nail clippers and cuticle scissors they will last you years so I don't take this into account when working out the cost of my DIY manicure. Total cost of home manicure 60p, Total cost of a basic salon manicure £10, Saving of £9.40.

If you have one manicure a month at a salon but switched to a DIY at home manicure you could save yourself £112.80.

My pedicure is exactly the same as my manicure just on my feet instead so the same figures apply here.

I like clean underarms, legs, and bikini line so regularly defuzz these areas. You could go for a number of home treatments in this section but my goal is to get the same results as cheaply as possible. I buy tesco value razors and tesco value soap to defuzz my hairy areas and then use a little coco butter afterwards to moisturize. I use one razor for my underarms, one for my legs, and one for my bikini line and yes ladies soap is just as good as shaving foam when it comes to defuzzing.

Tesco value razors 5 for 30p
Tesco value soap 15p
Coco butter £1 in poundland

Total cost of home defuzzing 30p, Total cost of salon defuzzing £50, saving of £49.70. Again if you have this done monthly and change to my extreme frugal method of self care you could save yourself £596.40 per year.

The basis of any basic facial is cleanse, tone, and moisturize but I like to throw in a face mask as well.
First remove all make up using deep cleansing facial wipes
Then give your face a good wash using soap and water
Then apply your facemask for the required amount of time (always read the instructions and always buy a facemask suitable for your skin type)
Once your time is up rinse off the face mask using water and a flannel.
To tone your skin submerge your face into a bowl of cold water for as long as you are able to hold your breath (cold water is a fabulous toner and much cheaper than store bought versions)
Finally moisturize your face using coco butter

Deep cleansing facial wipes £1 for a pack of 25 in poundland
Tesco value soap 15p
Face mask £1 in poundland
Coco butter £1 in poundland

Total cost of home facial £1.22, Total cost of salon facial £27, Saving of £25.78. Yearly saving of £309.36.

Eyebrow shape
Again there are many home treatment options with this. I choose straight forward easy tweezering. I have a good quality pair of tweezers that I have had for years and was given to me by my mum in one of my Xmas hampers. You could probably buy a pair like this for around £5 and as long as you don't lose them they will last you a lifetime.

Total cost of home eyebrow shape 0p, Total cost of salon eyebrow shape £8, Saving of £8. Yearly saving of £96.

So there you go that is how I save £1227.36 per year by doing all my beauty treatments at home using very low cost alternatives.

Anyway off for my monthly beauty regime now see you soon. What do you do to save money on beauty treatments ?

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx

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