
Monday, 24 June 2013

Well Hello There

Hello all I am back from my little sabatacal. I picked up the pc today from cash generator and even managed to get them to throw in a free printer. So I got the screen, keyboard, mouse, tower, and a printer for 90 pounds quite a nice little result. When I got it home and set it all up I realised that the monitor to tower cable was missing so popped to my local independant computer shop to buy one. The man was lovely and knew exactly what I needed and only charged me 5 pounds for it so the total cost to set me and the family up with a new pc was 95 pounds not bad and I can live with that especially as some people pay around 500 pounds to set themselves up the way I have done today. I am hoping that as this has a lot more memory and is a lot more solid (not like the flimsy laptops we have had) it will last us a lot longer. The computer itself is a very good make the Mr assures me and all the programmes seem to run at a good speed. The only problem we have had is the speed of the internet which is nothing to do with the computer itself but the dongle. Bradley has informed me that when the green light is on the dongle it runs super slow not sure why but it does which leads me onto my next super saving. I went onto quidco to compare broadband prices and found a really good deal. Talk Talk is currently offering 6 months free internet and 3 months free anytime calls. The usual cost of this is 6.50 a month for the internet and 19.95 for the landline with anytime calls and 50 pounds instalation fee so a total of  367.40. I of course paid no where near this here is what I paid
6 months broadband free
6 months broadband 39 pound
3 months anytime talk boost free. After the 3 months I will cancel the anytime talk boost saving me 5 pounds a month.
12 months line rental 114 pounds I recieved a big discount by paying for my 12 months line rental upfront.
Instalation free
I also bought through quidco so will be getting 40 pounds cashback and will recieve a 50 pounds credit on my account as a new customer. So with all that taken into account and the fact that I am deaf so the landline phone will never be used it has cost me 60 pounds for 12 months internet with 3 months free anytime calls and then 9 months free evening and weekend calls which works out just 5 pounds a month thats half what I pay for my dongle. If you could see me now dear readers I am doing a little happy dance around the dinning room lol. The boys are chuffed to nuts that come next week they will be able to watch videos online without having to worry about going over our limit and they can play their games without it going at a snails pace. I of course am happy that I can get back to my blogging at a decent pace without the constant frustrations that dodgy laptops and snail slow dongles have been providing recently.

Anyway I am off to eat my 9p cheese and onion roll and 5p bag of grapes whilst having a play with my new (to me) bargain computer. I love being frugal :)

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx

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