It was my birthday yesterday and I have to say I was spoilt rotten. The Mr got me a sewing machine which I have wanted for ages and a beautiful pink summer dress. My mum and 2 daddy's sent me money, my best friend got me a box of choccies, and another friend has a gift for me but has said she needs to do something to it first but that I am going to love it so I look forward to finding out what it is. The Mr took me to the cinema in the evening to see fast and furious 6 as I have a bit of a thing for Vin Diesel lol. I had a really lovely day and got so many cards and birthday wishes from friends all over the world which made me think about how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life. The change in weather today has played havock with my MD and I am feeling really unwell today so I think today will be an easy day just doing what I can when I can. I will take a picture of my sewing machine to show you all at some point soon now I just have to learn how to use it lol.

Me and Lee just before we went out last night and my pretty dress Lee bought me.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
Belated Birthday Wishes Claire xxx