
Saturday, 27 April 2013

What Have We Been Upto

Well not much to be honest. The last few days have been spent doing home maintenance with a trip to the library thrown in for good measure. As well as the usual household chores I fixed 2 of my dinning chairs that had broken and tightened up the other 2 chairs. I bought these 4 leather look chairs from a friend a few months ago for £10 so £2.50 a chair and they go with my dinning table beautifully. The legs of the chairs are secured using allen bolts and one leg on 2 of the chairs had worked its way loose and had come off. I managed to locate all the bolts so did not have to go out and buy new ones and I found an allen key in my tool box that fitted the chair bolts so set to work.

As well as refitting the 2 lost legs I tightened up all the allen bolts on all 4 of the chairs and they are all now as good as new

I also decided while I was at it to give them a good wash and polish and they have come up lovely 

I also decided to make a start on the garden. There are several jobs that need doing out there a good general tidy up, the patio needs a good clean, the side of the shed needs a good clean, the back hedge needs trimming right back, and the front and back lawns all need mowing, I also want to get a few pots and plant some flowers in them to brighten things up a little out there. Today I gave the whole garden a good tidy up and already it looks so much better out there. I have also done some research on hedge trimmers. I only want a cheap one as the plan is to have a fence erected eventually negating the need for a hedge trimmer. When we went to Tesco on Wednesday (on the free bus) the cheapest one they had was £30 I was tempted to get it but decided to do a bit of research first and see if I could pick one up any cheaper. I have managed to find one on Ebay for £25 inc p&p so a saving of £5. I have not ordered it yet as I am going to ask around and see if anyone I know has one I can borrow first as I don't really want to spend money on something I wont need in a years time. If I have no luck then I will buy the one on Ebay and sell it once the fence is up and I no longer have use for it hopefully regaining some of the cost back.

Ben snapped this picture of me knitting away earlier this evening. The scarf is coming along nicely the first of several I am making as xmas gifts. I have also been reading a new book 50 shades of grey (ooo err I hear you say lol) There was a big hoohaa about these books a while ago and almost every woman I know was reading them I however was not willing to pay the £7.99 for each of the 3 books. Well I saw them in a charity shop for £1 each so bought them and have started reading them and I am hooked already. It can get a little heated in places but well worth a read if you are a red blooded female like myself lol.

Anyway off to bed now as I have a few jobs to do tomorrow before heading over to Lee's for the                              weekend.

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx

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