Today has been really warm here in Wiltshire it has been lovely. Also (touch wood) I have felt incredibly well today with a sudden burst of energy which I took full advantage of. Nothing special has been done just lots of catching up on housework. I did find a bit of time to do some more work on the scarf I am knitting as a xmas present. Yesterday I had to drop Brandon in town for a birthday party and there was a chap handing out cards detailing free events taking place locally over the next few weeks. One of the events is a showing of Madagascar 3 a film me and the boys have not yet seen but really want to see. It will be a completely free outing as we can walk there and back, the film itself is being shown for free, and I will do my usual of taking snacks and drinks in my over sized handbag. There is also a great British bake off day which I hope to go along to providing my MD will allow me and a showing of The Hobbit a film we have seen but are happy to watch again especially as it is free.
For tea tonight it was just me and Brandon. We had ham and cheese tortillini with mixed salad costing is as follows half a bag of ham and cheese tortillini 27.5p (yellow sticker reduction), half a bag of mixed salad 2.5p (yellow sticker reduction) Total cost 30p so 15p a serving. This has to be one of the cheapest dinners I have ever made and it was nice and light and just right for the warm weather we have had today.
If it is nice tomorrow I hope to get out in the garden and give it a bloody good tidy up. It is in a terrible state there is mud all up the side of the shed and patio from the boys playing football in the wet weather, there is a bit of rubbish that needs cleaning up, and I also have to trim back the back hedge and try and do something with the fencing that has been broken by someone on the allotments.
One of the main reasons I moved to this house was the allotments that back onto my garden. I had hoped we could get friendly with the chap who owns the space directly backing onto my garden and maybe barter homemade cakes and bread for veg. As it turns out his a bit of a grumpy git and when you say hello to him he just grunts at you and carries on as if your not even there. I put up a small fence nothing special just a thin bamboo half height screening so we knew where our garden ended and the allotments began. A few months ago someone decided to cut back all the conifer trees and some of the bushes not only did they throw all the waste in my back garden but they also completely damaged my fencing beyond repair. As I don't know exactly who did it I am unable to challenge them and demand they replace the broken fencing. As a result I have decided that as soon as I have paid off all my debt I am going to have a tall sturdy fence erected. It is a shame but I feel its a step I must take.
Anyway off to bed now for some much needed sleep
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
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