I have had a lovely few days here at the Till household. On Thursday we did a tour of the charity shops in Trowbridge and Warminster. I got myself 2 new (to me) pairs of jeans for £4 each, a very nice cardigan £3.49, and a few tops £3.49 each. I also picked up 2 lovely duvet sets at £3.50 each. I have vowed never to buy a BRAND NEW duvet set again and will only buy second hand ones from charity shops from now on thanks to Baby. I bought a lovely duvet set from Matalan about 2 months ago it was not to expensive at £13.95 but Baby has been a very naughty little cat and has padded all over it causing little holes and tears in the material. Being the softy that I am I don't have the heart to stop her sleeping in bed with us so will just make do with little holes and buy a few extra sets from the charity shops when I see them. Now anyone who reads my blog will know I do not buy my boys designer clothes brand new. They do have designer clothes but these are either gifts from family members, hand me downs, or bought obscenely cheap from a charity shop. When we went to Warminster we found a real gem of a charity shop (Barnardos). Every item of clothing was 99p and I have to admit I went a little crazy in there. I got 13 items of clothing for the boys jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and jumpers all of them were designer names fila, next, gap, and jasper conran and they were all 99p each.
On Friday we decided to go to Bath for the day and took Ben with us as a treat to say thank you for all the help he gave me last weekend when I was ill. I spoke to his head teacher and explained why I wanted to take him out of school for the day and he was happy for us to do so. Ben is a straight A student top of all his classes and only ever misses school through illness so one day absent is not going to affect his schooling. I was on the look out for a new pair of walking boots and a couple of fitted sheets. My trainers have finally given up the ghost after 8 years they have served me well but are really beginning to rub my feet now causing blisters. So I admitted defeat last week and agreed I needed a new pair (something the Mr has been telling me for the past 6 months lol). I managed to find a lovely pair of Karrimor walking boots. I tried them on and had a walk around the shop and I have to tell you it was like walking on air and the best bit they have pink in them.

Reduced from £59.99 to £29.99
I managed to get 2 fitted sheets from Shaws in Bath at £4.95 each a little more than I wanted to pay but we needed them and I have been looking in charity shops for a few weeks now and not been able to find any. As one of Ben's treats we had lunch out and gave him the choice of where he wanted to eat and he choose Pizza Hut. We each had the unlimited lunch buffet where you can have as much pizza, pasta, and salad as you like £6.99 for adults £3.99 for children. We also had unlimited drinks £1.75 for children £2.35 for adults. So for the 3 of us the bill came to just under £25 which I don't consider to be to bad as a little treat. Here are Ben and the Mr enjoying their lunch
Bath has some amazing shops and is a consumerist's dream. I love it for the aesthetics personally it has some awsome shops and beautiful buildings here are a few of my favourites
The old fashion sweet shop
Mmmmmm I would get in serious trouble working here with all these yummy sweeties
The Roman baths particularly pretty at night when it is a lit up by torches
Bath Abbey is a stunning building and although I have admired it many times from the outside I have never been in the Abbey. I have googled it and you can go inside for a small donation of £2.50 so the next time Lee and I go to Bath I will be making this my first port of call.
Not a great picture I am afraid but I had to share. This is the shop window of some designer clothing store in Bath. Now whilst I have never been inside the store (could not afford to breath the air in these sorts of shops let alone buy something) I absolutely love the window of old singer sewing machines. I find them to be a thing of beauty and always stop in awe of them.
Today we were going to go to Lacock Abbey as the National Trust are having a free weekend this weekend and some of the Harry Potter scenes were filmed here (the boys love Harry Potter). However we had to cancel as Lee has come down with a tummy bug so could not come and with it being a 45 min train journey and a 3 mile walk either way I was a little reluctant to take the boys on my own in case of an MD attack. We spoke to the boys who were very understanding and made a plan B instead. Brad went off on his own to do some train spotting and have a bit of lunch and I took the 2 younger boys to Splodges (local soft play center) which is a 10 min walk from the house.It cost £3.50 for each of the boys so £7 in total and they had the place to themselves for an hour and a half which was lovely. So £7 for Splodges £5 for Brads train spotting and lunch total £12 which worked out cheaper than the train fares to Lacock Abbey.
On the way home from Splodges we popped in to Morrisons and I got some great yellow sticker reductions.
4 snack packs of grapes
2 packs of mashed potatoes
4 lemon drizzle buns
2 lots of fish and chips for 2 people
1 huge pot of pasta salad
1 shepards pie
1 cumberland pie
1 whole cooked chicken
7 bagels
5 croissants
10 mini rustic bread rolls
11/2 kg of british topside of beef
4 steak and kidney pies
2 meat and potato pies
4 cheese and onion rolls
Total price should have been £59.17 I paid £12.33 so a saving of £46.84
Anyway I am off to bed now as it is rather late and I have a headache and 3 poorly guys to take care of tomorrow. Lee, Brad, and Ben have all come down with a stomach bug so I am just hoping Brandon and I manage to escape its grasp.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx