
Sunday, 1 February 2015

Ready to explode

Hello readers sorry there was no post yesterday but we had a bit of a crisis. I almost didn't write one tonight either but decided to share my problems instead. You know what they say "A problem shared is a problem halved" and as the offending person does not read my blog (or at least I hope not) I know there will be no fall out.

I will start with yesterday. It was a difficult and emotional day for Lee and myself. What started off as a relaxing child free day changed quickly with a phone call from lifeline. C Lee's mum had triggered her alarm and was in a state of panic. We managed to get hold of C on the phone but could not make out what the problem was. She was incredibly upset as I could hear her on speaker phone and I was not comfortable leaving her that way. I told Lee to tell C we were on our way to help her and we were with her within 20 minutes. I did a couple of little jobs around the flat whilst Lee calmed C down and got her back to a relaxed state. We decided to take her to get some food shopping and for a spot of lunch so she could get out of the house for a bit. When we dropped her back home she became upset again as she did not want us to leave her. Unfortunately Brandon was being dropped home at half four so we had no choice but to go but not before Lee had checked a carer would be in within the hour to check she was ok and reassuring her that she was ok. It truly broke my heart leaving her yesterday and I am not ashamed to say I had a little cry when we got home. As I have mentioned in the past C has dementia and it is truly heartbreaking seeing her go downhill so quickly :(

Today my eldest 2 munchkins returned home from there weekend away. When they got home they were both very upset and both had a good cry  which upset myself and Lee A LOT. It turns out all weekend things had been said to them that were both demeaning and upsetting to them. I won't go into detail as the children have asked me not to raise the issues with the person in question as they are scared of the fallout that will inevitably ensue. I am biting my lip so very hard on this one readers I am fuming for my boys but don't want to go against there wishes. As a result I am having to deal with my anger internally instead of aiming it at the person who it should be aimed at.

The boys are ok now we spent a long time talking to them, reassuring them, and letting them know the person in question was talking complete crap and they are perfect just the way they are. To cheer them up we ordered a takeaway and watched a funny film together which really cheered them up. Sometimes things are more important than being frugal such as jumping in a cab and taking someone to lunch when they need you most or buying a takeaway to put a smile on your babies faces after they have suffered a weekend of emotional battering.

What about you readers do you believe as I do that sometimes something is more important than saving a few quid ?

Much Love
Claire xx xx xx


  1. Oh Dear......... sorry to hear about Lees' s Mum that must be so upsetting for all 3 of you. I think that you've done the right thing with the lads to help take their minds off this nasty person who has upset them - hopefully now that they're back with you they'll be able to move on - as for you my dear friend perhaps a few swear words when no one can hear you - punch hell out of a cushion and then a strong drink?!!! (Well that would be my way of letting off steam!) Good luck not long to your holiday now xxx

    1. Hehe I did one better than the cushion I used brads boxing gloves and pads lol unfortunately I don't drink though Trudie. They won't see this person for a number of weeks now Trudie so it gives them some time to get over it but I have told them that if it happens again I will be dealing with it. This person is supposed to love and protect them not damage their self esteem. I'm looking forward to taking them away from it all and making sure they have a nice time :) xxx
