Hello readers not much happening here at Tilly Towers today just a bit of housework and helping the boys with their homework. We have slipped back into our school routine like a comfy pair of old slippers and it's so nice to have a bit of structure back in the house. Everyone seems that little bit calmer and the boys are not squabbling quite as much which is always nice lol. I love doing things with the boys and getting out and about but I really love being at home with them playing board games and watching films. Not only is it cheaper to stay at home you also get to snuggle up in bed and eat homemade goodies whilst spending time with your babies. One of my favourite activities is snuggling up with a big bowl of homemade popcorn and a good film whether it be with the Mr or the munchkins. I recently read over at frugal queens blog about no spend/ spend less September. The basic idea is to have as many no spend days as possible and on the days you really do have to part with some cash keep it to a minimum. I think I'm going to join in with this one and have a no spend/ spend less September myself. Although it all depends on just how much the boys schools want out of me this month. I kid you not readers within 2 days of being back at school brad has brought a note home asking for £4 towards the cost of hot drinks and biscuits for the term and Ben has brought home a sponsor form asking for money. I thought I may have got a few weeks off of the constant letters home asking for money what with it being a new school year but no it has already started.
Today has been a spend day as I had to buy six pints of milk but I am aiming for a no spend day tomorrow.
Why not join in with no spend/ spend less September ? I would love to hear how you all get on.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
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