
Friday, 10 May 2013

And It All Started So Well

Well any hopes I had for another productive day were dashed at lunch time when I came down with an awful headache. Despite taking paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 hours since it started I have been unable to shift the blooming thing. It is making me feel rather sick to so not very nice. After this post is written I shall tuck myself up in bed for a good sleep and hopefully it will have shifted by morning. Things started off so well too. I was up early with lots of energy after having a good nights sleep and was raring to go. I got the boys all ready and packed them off to school and then got all my basic housework done. I sat down for a bit of lunch while the repair man fixed my shower (finally) and bam on came the headache. For lunch I continued with my theme of using up what I have in the house before doing my next food shop by digging out a couple of steak slices I had in the freezer. They were a yellow sticker reduction bought last month reduced from £1.69 to 65p. I took some pain killers and waited for the headache to go so I could get on with the other things I had planned for today alas 9 hours later and I still have the blooming thing.

I had planned to get out in the garden today I wanted to plant my tomato seeds and get my potato tubers set up for sprouting. I also wanted to get the patio swept and washed and the side of the shed washed down. If I had any time left after that I was going to take a look at my jewellery supplies and come up with a few designs to make and go in my etsy shop. I am lucky enough to have a very talented photographer as a friend (well in fact I have 2 and both are artists also) she has offered to take the photos for me as I am no David Bailey when it comes to cameras and I want the pictures to really show off the pieces in their best light. Hey ho this will all have to wait till Monday now as Brad and Ben are off to their dad's tomorrow for the night and Brandon and I are heading over to see the Mr for the night. Lee has been working all week and only has a couple of days off between shifts so not enough time to come stay with us so we are going to him for a change. It will only be 24 hours but after not seeing him for a week and shifts starting again Monday morning it will be nice to spend some time with him.

Anyway off to bed now
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx


  1. Thank you for your lovely comment yesterday - hope your headache has gone now and that you have a good weekend - perhaps a little break will do you good and stop the headache from returning xxxx

    1. Thank you Trudie and I am glad to report the headache was gone by the morning and we had a great weekend with Lee post to follow soon xx xx xx

  2. And thanks for your comment on my blog too! How exciting to discover another frugal blogger so close to home! I know a little bit about MD (my aunt suffers with it) and autism (I work in a mainstream secondary school mostly with teenagers with Aspergers), so I empathise with how difficult your life must be at times. If you don't have any luck tracking down the Wiltshire Walks book, Countryside Books are keen to do another giveaway on my blog in July ready for the summer hols :-) Take care, Sarah x

    1. I did manage to find one on Amazon Sarah but if you are having a giveaway in July I may hang fire and take my chances in your giveaway you never know your luck :) Your aunt has my sympathies regarding the MD it is truly debilitating at times I have had it for 6 years now and you never get used to the vertigo attacks :( It is very difficult at times with the MD and the autism but stiff upper lip and all that lol and for all the hard times we have just as many happy ones. Thank you for becoming a follower as soon as I have 10 I will be having a little giveaway myself so stay tuned :) xx xx xx
