My princess who we call baby girl
In July we rescued a little kitten who wandered into our house. We managed to track down the owner and return her to her rightful home but the few hours we spent with her completely changed my view on cats. She was a lovely little thing with a wonderful temperament and so playful. We all kind of hoped we didn't find the owner so we could keep her ourselves. After spending time with this kitten I decided I wanted to get one myself so kept my eyes open for adverts. I didn't want a pedigree I wanted a moggie that would be difficult to home but I also wanted a baby so she could grow up with the boys and would learn to fit in with our rather crazy way of life. Well Baby has done just that its like she has always been a part of the family. She is completely and utterly bonkers and the most loving cat I have ever met. She seems to have a sixth sense of when I am ill and she will climb up on top of me and rub herself into my face as if to say don't worry mum i'm here. When the boys are at school and Lee is off at work she is my companion and brightens up my day. She sits on my lap when i'm watching TV and follows me upstairs when i'm putting the washing away. Never in a million years did I think I would be so gogo gaga over a cat and friends and family were gob smacked when I told them I had got one. Baby was the runt of the litter, when we got to the women's house who was selling the kittens it was over run with animals i'm not talking a few there was loads of them. The house smelt terribly and you could see she was not the most house proud of people. She took us into the garden where all the kittens were roaming around outside. These kittens were 4 weeks old and should not have been out let alone for sale at such a young age. All the kittens were playing together except for Baby who was sat on a washing basket by herself looking rather sad. I tried to look at the huddle of kittens but could feel Baby's eyes staring at me the whole time so decided to give her a cuddle as soon as I picked her up she dug her claws into my coat and would not let go for love nor money. So that was that Baby picked us not the other way round and she is one of the best things ever to have happened to me. She was riddled with fleas and worms when we got her so I had to take her to the vets a few times to be treated as she was to young for me to treat her myself. It was money well spent and she is growing into the most beautiful feline ever (yes I know i'm biased). Here are some pictures of Baby as a kitten
She is slightly older in this last picture it was taken a few months ago
And here are some pictures of her today
Don't worry mum i'm here
She truly is my saving grace when i'm poorly and I love her immensely.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
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