Today has been a very busy day for me. After getting the boys ready and off to school the Mr and I went and caught the free Tesco bus. We do this almost every Wednesday. I needed to get some pants and trousers for Brandon, some socks for Brad, and some all purpose cleaner and was not about to waste £4.10 on the paid bus for a return ticket. I also had to pop a cheque into the bank (a little unexpected windfall which will be used as another overpayment on my debts). The aim is to spend the next 10 months being as frugal as possible in order to clear 9 and a 1/2 k of debt by xmas. It will certainly be a challenge but its doable if we work together as a family. Anyway where was I oh yes we went to Tesco. I managed to get Brandon 7 pairs of pants for £2.50, a pair of jeans for £3, and 5 pairs of socks for Brad for £1.50. We also had our weekly treat of a cooked breakfast 8 items of food and a bottle of orange juice for £4.25. I pay one week and the Mr pays the following week so we take it in turns to pay.

It was as yummy as it looks
I always take a few extra ketchup satchets home with me its not a big saving tip but every penny counts. After breakfast we took a nice stroll along the river and through the park into town.
I always like to stop for a few minutes and watch the ducks
I put my cheque in the bank and we got the bus home. When we got home I set about making some homemade laundry detergent it is really very easy to make, costs pennies, and lasts me months.
This little lot will keep us going for a while
I also had some manky bananas in the fruit bowl that I wanted to use up (I hate throwing food away if it can be used in some other way) so decided to make a banana and chocolate cake.
Very yummy but next time I think I will leave the chocolate icing off as it was extremly sweet
And the boys favourite and again very cheap and easy to make chocolate cornflake cakes
I also wanted to share with you my breakfast cereal shelf. I am very fortunate that I have not had to buy cereal for months now. The Mr is a security officer at a very well known cereal factory and every so often gets given boxes and boxes of cereal for free which he then brings over for me and the boys.
Yummy and free cant beat that combination
Anyway I am coming down with a cold and feel really unwell. My throat is extremely sore, my nose is running a marathon, and my entire body aches so im off to suck on some honey and lemon and get some much needed sleep.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
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