Today I joined a website called just for the love of it. Its a great site where you build a profile for yourself with a list of your skills. When you are in need of a service or skill that you do not have you have a look and find someone who lives close by that has that skill and approach them. It is completely free even the service you are provided with. It works on the basis of pay it forward someone helps you with thier skills and in return you help others with your skills. I created my profile and listed my skills I then put out a group post for a hairdresser to cut my 3 little boys hair and for a man with a van to help me get rid of some garden waste and collect a sofa and bed im hoping to get on freecycle. Well within 30 minutes I had a lady offering to do the boys hair and a nice chap offering to remove my rubbish. How kind these people truely are. It has really restored my faith that their are nice kind people out their after all. In return I will give them a little money for petrol and my personalised items skill. I have also put a post on freecycle for a single bed frame as Brads is broken and he is sleeping in my bed untill it gets replaced. Also a sofa as mine is on its last legs. I was going to buy these items but thought better of it when joining these online communities. Its also a great way of making new like minded friends. Dinner tonight was a very frugal one tomatoe pasta and sauce it cost just 8p per serving and was yum we served it with homemade bread. I gave a friend of mine some personalised xmas choclates beutifully wrapped for her little boys ideal as stocking fillers. She said that they were really yummy and looked so good that I should sell them. So thats what im doing I took some pictures printed up some posters and I have one in my frontroom window, one in my sons nursery, and one in my local shop. I have already had 2 orders for these so im really pleased. I also really enjoyed making them which is always a bonus lol. Anyway im off to do my shoping now as its cheaper for me to do it online and get it delivered than it is to go into the nearest town by bus.
Much Love
Claire xx xx xx
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